Do you have sex addition ? Try counselling

 I understand that sex addiction can be a challenging issue for individuals who experience it.

If you or someone you know is seeking counseling or therapy for sex addiction, it is recommended to consult with qualified mental health professionals who specialize in this area. They can provide appropriate guidance, support, and treatment options.

Online therapy platforms, such as, can be a resource for finding therapists who offer counseling for sex addiction. is another platform that can help you find therapists in Canada. These platforms typically provide information about therapists’ areas of expertise, therapeutic approaches, and contact details, allowing you to connect with professionals who can support you.

Remember, seeking professional help is important when dealing with sex addiction or any mental health concern. Therapists and counselors can provide individualized support and develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Please note that while I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, my responses are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It’s always best to consult with qualified healthcare professionals for personalized advice and guidance.

 Here is some more information about sex addiction and seeking counseling:

1. Sex Addiction: Sex addiction, also known as compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexuality, refers to a pattern of excessive or out-of-control sexual thoughts, urges, or behaviors that interfere with daily functioning and cause distress. It is characterized by a loss of control, continued engagement in sexual activities despite negative consequences, and an inability to stop or reduce the behavior.

2. Signs and Symptoms: Common signs of sex addiction may include a preoccupation with sexual thoughts or fantasies, engaging in sexual behaviors excessively or in risky situations, using sex as a coping mechanism, experiencing relationship or occupational difficulties due to sexual behaviors, and feeling a loss of control over sexual impulses.

3. Counseling for Sex Addiction: Counseling or therapy can be an essential component of the treatment for sex addiction. A qualified therapist with experience in sex addiction can help individuals explore the underlying factors contributing to their addictive behaviors, develop coping strategies, and work towards establishing healthier patterns of sexual behavior.

4. Treatment Approaches: Therapists may utilize various therapeutic approaches when working with individuals with sex addiction. These can include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, and 12-step programs. The specific approach will depend on the individual’s needs and the therapist’s expertise.

5. Online Therapy Platforms: Online therapy platforms can provide convenient access to counseling for sex addiction. These platforms typically connect individuals with licensed therapists who specialize in sex addiction or related areas. It is important to choose a reputable platform and ensure that the therapists are qualified and experienced in working with sex addiction.

6. Support Groups: Support groups, such as Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) or Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA), can offer additional support and a sense of community for individuals with sex addiction. These groups provide a safe and non-judgmental space to share experiences, seek guidance, and receive support from others who have similar struggles.

7. Seeking Help and Support: If you or someone you know is dealing with sex addiction, it is important to reach out to qualified professionals for assessment, guidance, and treatment. They can provide a comprehensive evaluation, help determine the appropriate treatment approach, and offer ongoing support throughout the recovery process.

Remember, seeking help for sex addiction is a positive step towards addressing the issue and improving overall well-being. Qualified therapists and counselors can provide the necessary support and tools for individuals to work towards healthier patterns of sexual behavior and improved quality of life.

Please note that the information provided here is for general purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Consulting with qualified mental health professionals who specialize in sex addiction is crucial for personalized advice and support.

 Here are some additional details about sex addiction and counseling:

8. Underlying Factors: Sex addiction can have underlying psychological, emotional, and relational factors that contribute to its development. These may include unresolved trauma, emotional distress, low self-esteem, difficulties in relationships, or co-occurring mental health conditions. Therapy can help individuals explore and address these underlying factors.

9. Relapse Prevention: Counseling for sex addiction often focuses on relapse prevention strategies. Therapists can help individuals identify triggers, develop coping skills, establish healthy boundaries, and create a relapse prevention plan to minimize the risk of engaging in addictive sexual behaviors.

10. Individual and Group Therapy: Therapy for sex addiction can be conducted in individual or group settings, depending on the individual’s preference and needs. Individual therapy allows for personalized attention and tailored treatment, while group therapy offers support, accountability, and the opportunity to learn from others with similar experiences.

11. Trauma-Informed Care: In cases where sex addiction is linked to past trauma or abuse, therapists may incorporate trauma-informed care into the treatment approach. This involves creating a safe and supportive environment, addressing trauma-related issues, and utilizing specialized techniques to help individuals heal from their traumatic experiences.

12. Partner Support: Sex addiction can have a significant impact on partners and relationships. Couples therapy or partner support services may be recommended to address relationship dynamics, improve communication, rebuild trust, and foster mutual understanding and support.

13. Holistic Approaches: In addition to counseling, holistic approaches can complement the treatment of sex addiction. These may include incorporating practices such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, exercise, and stress reduction techniques to support overall well-being and recovery.

14. Confidentiality and Trust: It’s important to choose a therapist who prioritizes confidentiality and ensures a safe and non-judgmental environment. Building trust with the therapist is crucial for individuals to feel comfortable discussing their experiences, concerns, and progress in therapy.

15. Long-Term Recovery: Recovery from sex addiction is a journey that requires ongoing commitment and support. Counseling can provide individuals with the tools, strategies, and support network necessary for long-term recovery. It’s important to have realistic expectations and be patient with the recovery process.

Remember, every individual’s journey with sex addiction is unique, and treatment approaches may vary based on individual needs and circumstances. Seeking help from qualified therapists or counselors who specialize in sex addiction is essential for personalized guidance and support.

 It’s always best to consult with qualified mental health professionals for personalized advice, diagnosis, or treatment for sex addiction or any mental health concerns.